Obtains investment exposure by investing in the Nikko AM Wholesale Global Shares Hedged Fund
The Global Equity team of Nikko Asset Management Europe is the investment manager of the Nikko AM Wholesale Global Shares Fund. The process delivers a high active share, differentiated global equity portfolio that aims to provide superior returns through a disciplined and clear investment process. The Strategy will hold between 40-60 stocks, weighted to reflect the alpha conviction in individual holdings.
Significant diversity of professional and combined breadth of experience through a variety of market cycles and crises across global investment markets enables them to ‘join the dots’, applying their knowledge to think laterally and pragmatically to find the best available investment opportunities.
Future Quality:
The team believes that superior returns on capital over the long term will deliver better performance. The common feature of the ideas that make it into a client's portfolio is what the team class 'Future Quality'. Future Quality means any company where the growth in future cashflow, its sustainability and the level of returns to investors is not reflected in the share price today. The team assesses companies to understand the quality of management, the quality of the company franchise, the quality of cashflows and balance sheet.
The team believes that effective execution of the process relies on a culture of focused collaboration to achieve one goal: high conviction portfolios that aim to achieve the best outcomes for clients.
It is this combination of extensive experience, flexible free-thinking and effective execution that offers a compelling and differentiated outcome for clients.
Investment Objective
The objective of this fund is to outperform the benchmark by 3.00% per annum over a rolling three year period before fees, expenses and taxes.
MSCI All Countries World Index (net dividends reinvested), gross hedged 139% to NZD
Hedging Policy
Foreign currency exposures created as a consequence of capital markets investments are gross hedged at 100% to NZD with a permitted operational hedging range of 95% to 105%.
Morningstar Bronze Rating Report - April 2023

Download Morningstar's managed investment report on the Nikko AM Global Shares Hedged Fund.