Obtains investment exposure by investing in the Nikko AM Wholesale Core Equity Fund
A high conviction, fundamental investment process that aims to deliver attractive and repeatable risk adjusted returns. Our research is expected to be insightful and to generate a high level of conviction in the portfolios we construct.
Nikko AM NZ’s fundamental research identifies mispriced companies that offer a blend of value, sustainability and growth. Fundamental research is crucial to establish a clear level of intrinsic value versus the market. The research delivers insights into the sustainability, competitive advantages and likely catalysts that must be monitored.
The targeted number of stocks is 30, +/- 5.
To construct a portfolio of permitted investments that outperform the Fund's benchmark return by 3.0% per annum over a rolling three year period before fees and taxes.
S&P/NZX 50 Index Gross with Imputation
March, September
Morningstar Bronze Rating Report - September 2023

Download Morningstar's managed investment report on the Nikko AM Core Equity Fund.