Obtains investment exposure by investing in the Nikko AM Wholesale Concentrated Equity Fund
The Concentrated Fund aims to hold around 15 stocks, with the ability to have a significant allocation to cash if there are insufficient numbers of suitable investment ideas. The Fund can hold up to 20% in any single security.
True active management with well researched high conviction positions has consistently delivered excellent risk adjusted returns. A high conviction, fundamental investment process that aims to deliver attractive and repeatable risk adjusted returns. Our research is expected to be insightful and to generate a high level of conviction in the portfolios we construct.
Nikko AM’s fundamental research identifies mis-priced companies that offer a blend of value, sustainability and growth. Fundamental research is crucial to establish a clear level of intrinsic value versus the market. It delivers insights into the sustainability, competitive advantages and likely catalysts that must be monitored.
To construct a portfolio of permitted investments that outperform the Fund's benchmark return before fees, expenses and taxes over a rolling three year period.
RBNZ Official Cash Rate plus 5.0% per annum
March, September